Dieter Brockmeyer

Dieter Brockmeyer

Executive Board Member

Dieter Brockmeyer is an international speaker and host, consults to the industry and was initiator and chairman of eur§reg and Multichannel Money Streams Congress, MCMS, industry events that brought together media regulators and TV executives from across Europe to talk about the future of TV business.

Dieter provides regular columns for DIPLOMATIC WORLD and THE DIPLOMATIC SOCIETY. He also authored books on the industry and wrote numer- ous articles in printed international magazines.

From 2014 to 2018 he initiated and headed three seasons of Global Media Innovator (GMI). Today acts as Chief Project Officer (CPO) of DIPLOMATIC WORLD group and Director Innovation and TIME for the DIPLOMATIC WORLD INSTITUTE he co- founded.

ADM Founding Organizations

ADM Initiatives