• The countries in Nordic region have understood the importance of responsible development. The leadership has always had the gumption to follow through on their sensibilities with strong policies. The world has a lot to learn from the Nordic region and that the time is act is now.
  • Norway has been exceptional in their understanding of importance of responsible development. The bold steps taken by these nations have made positive impact not just on the environment but also on the socio-economic parameters.
  • Norway could be the nucleus of the Alternative Development Model (ADM) we are proposing for our region. Emulating and inspired by the Nordic sensibility towards development could be the solution that can summarily change our world for the better.
  • A Strategic Partnership between the Nordic Region and South Asian region (starting with India) can undoubtedly make a strong impact. We envisage making positive way forward not just in more comprehensive, responsible and environmentally aware development framework but also towards vibrant and viable economic framework.

ADM Founding Organizations

ADM Initiatives